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Understanding uWeed’s mission and purpose

Why do we exist?
Our mission = Delivering happiness

Uweed Delivering Happiness

Our mission is simple: “Delivering happiness”

At uWeed, we want to make our customers (you!) happy while keeping the planet happy too! We consider “Happiness” as the true North Star of our existence on Earth. As happiness is a state of mind rather than a personality trait, we also believe that it can be influenced and changed for the better. So that’s why we are here! We want to try to make you smile, feel better, and be happier. And all that, thanks to cannabis, and us! That’s ambitious, we know.

How do we deliver happiness?
Our 4 happiness pillars

We are firm believers in the potential of hemp and cannabis and are convinced that the plant will revolutionize the 21st century. It has promising medical and industrial applications and an attractive ecological footprint. That’s why we decided to partner together with the green “Hulk” (aka cannabis) and deliver happiness through the following 4 pillars.

1. Guaranteeing product quality
2. Helping you discover new products and make better choices
3. Delivering a “WoW” shopping experience
4. Not kidding with Mother Nature

1. Guaranteeing product quality (and therefore efficacy)

In a market study we did in 2021, we asked 1200 Swiss CBD customers what their main issue was in selecting a CBD product. Guess what? Efficacy and quality came first. The industry is currently suffering from a lack of consistency and transparency in quality standards and you might not know what you are buying. At uWeed, we want to heighten the standards in traceability, transparency, and quality to maximize your chances of feeling the effects of cannabis. Quality isn’t expensive - it’s priceless.

2. Helping you discover new products and make better choices

Whether you know a little or a lot about cannabis, we probably know more. 🙂 No offense! We have thousands of customers buying on our platform, hundreds of products in our range, millions of data points about interests and behaviors on our website, and access to some of the top experts in the industry. And we use them all! By leveraging science, technology, and smart people, we want to connect you with the right product that is best suited to your needs.

3. Delivering a “WoW” shopping experience

We don’t want to be your average grow or head shop. In fact, we don’t want to be your average online shop - period! We want to rock it, and make your jaw drop! Our ambition is to create the best online shopping experience in the cannabis industry by offering you innovative features, a sexy look, unbeatable customer service, value for money, fast and free delivery… You name it!

4. Not kidding with Mother Nature

Nature and the environment are at the core of our existence as humans. Every day, we rely on it to breathe, to drink, to eat, when we travel, when we work…You got the message! Yet, it’s seriously endangered, and we all do too little, too late against it. At uWeed, we have no reasons to exist without Nature, as cannabis is Nature. Therefore, we are committing to protecting it the best way we can, and to take every step possible in order to keep living happily in the future!

1. Guaranteeing product quality

1. Guaranteeing product quality (and therefore efficacy)

In a market study we did in 2021, we asked 1200 Swiss CBD customers what their main issue was in selecting a CBD product. Guess what? Efficacy and quality came first. The industry is currently suffering from a lack of consistency and transparency in quality standards and you might not know what you are buying. At uWeed, we want to heighten the standards in traceability, transparency, and quality to maximize your chances of feeling the effects of cannabis. Quality isn’t expensive - it’s priceless.

2. Helping you discover new products and make better choices

2. Helping you discover new products and make better choices

Whether you know a little or a lot about cannabis, we probably know more. 🙂 No offense! We have thousands of customers buying on our platform, hundreds of products in our range, millions of data points about interests and behaviors on our website, and access to some of the top experts in the industry. And we use them all! By leveraging science, technology, and smart people, we want to connect you with the right product that is best suited to your needs.

3. Delivering a “WoW” shopping experience

3. Delivering a “WoW” shopping experience

We don’t want to be your average grow or head shop. In fact, we don’t want to be your average online shop - period! We want to rock it, and make your jaw drop! Our ambition is to create the best online shopping experience in the cannabis industry by offering you innovative features, a sexy look, unbeatable customer service, value for money, fast and free delivery… You name it!

4. Not kidding with Mother Nature

4. Not kidding with Mother Nature

Nature and the environment are at the core of our existence as humans. Every day, we rely on it to breathe, to drink, to eat, when we travel, when we work…You got the message! Yet, it’s seriously endangered, and we all do too little, too late against it. At uWeed, we have no reasons to exist without Nature, as cannabis is Nature. Therefore, we are committing to protecting it the best way we can, and to take every step possible in order to keep living happily in the future!